March 7, 2008

Benchroom this Week is a weekly publication which highlights the work of our students here at Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking.

JK Lectures

Jim Krenov continues to lecture on a weekly basis. Segments from these lectures will soon be available on our website. We are very grateful for Jim's evolvement with the school. His words continue to inspire a new generation of craftsman.

Jim's lecture this week dealt with stands and the shaping of legs. Jim spent much of the lecture talking about Workmanship of Risk verses Workmanship of Certainty, phrases coined by David Pye in his book The Nature and Art of Workmanship. He then spoke of the Workmanship of Love an intimate approach to our craft shared by many of us at the school. Several of our students have suggested that this was his best lecture this year, I would have to concur.

Journeyman Program

Jason Klager (right) consults with Resident Craftsman Juan Carlos on the construction of his piece. Jason is a fine craftsman shares his un compromised approach to our craft with this years class. While Jason is at the school, Robert will use this time to complete his his chair for the our annual Student, Alumni & Faculty Show which takes place at the James & Britta Krenov Gallery and Gallery Five here in Roberts Creek on May 9, 2008 at 7pm. Jason's marquetry showcase was recently featured in the gallery section of Fine Woodworking Magazine. Jason's warm and patient teaching style is a wonderful fit at our school, we are very grateful to have him here. A special thank you to Christine for keeping the home fires burning to allow Jason to join us.

Resident Craftsman Program

Both our second year students this year have taken on significant, complex work for second pieces. Each requiring innovative methods of work and careful planning. Both our Resident Craftsman have been approached to become involved in teaching following their second year of study.

Doug Ives from Gibsons British Columbia has moved onto the exterior veneer for his cabinet. Doug harvested the Port Orford cedar himself, used on the interior of the piece which goes very well with the Aframosia and Zebrano. Doug is coming up on some major assembles after which time he has a stand with tapered laminations and ten drawers to complete in time for the show. Doug brings great karma to the school and is always willing to assist his classmates. We are grateful to have his involvement with the school.

Juan Carlos Fernandez from Caracas Venezuela fits the applied edges of African Mahogany for his compound curved parquetry cabinet of redwood burl. This is without question the most complex piece to be done here at the school. Juan has been a pleasure to have at the school. We look forward to his involvement as a teacher at the school.

Craftsman Program

Craftsman & Teacher Ian Godfrey assists Michael with the fitting of his frame & panel back of teak and spalted sycamore. Ian is a fine teacher and craftsman who will be taking a few months this summer and fall to build a house on a nearby Island.

Ed Tickle from Kamloops British Columbia shares with the group during recent walkaround. Ed has recently completed his reproduction of JK's Rio Rosewood table made in 1968. The workmanship of Ed's version in kwila is very well done and serves as a fine tribute to the original. We have many pieces which will are being photographed professionally in the coming week. Watch for these pieces in the coming issues of Benchroom this Week.

Erik Copeland from Richmond Hill Ontario bores the holes for clamps in one of his three forms. His rocking chair which will be made or red cabruva has several tapered lamination components and will feature angle and curved joinery.

Matt Hales from London England uses negative templates to select the shop sawn macassar ebony veneers for his cabinet with integrated stand of jatoba. Matt has nearly all the veneer selected and his substraight prepared. The interior for his liquor cabinet will be of Cedar of Lebanon. Matt headed into Vancouver on Friday to search for some appropriate material for his stand after his haircut by Dan.

Walker Savage from Seattle Washington had to make a catch for his lock and busy dialing in his piece which he will be presenting Monday. Walker will be making JK's silver chest for his next piece. Robert has asked Jim to discuss the making of his silver chest in his upcoming lecture.

Douglas Hagerman from Gibsons British Columbia is busy making the hinges for his piece. The delicate hinges require an angled offset. Students are required to make the hardware for their first piece. Many of our students have embraced the hardware making component of the program and often make the hardware for subsequent pieces. With Danielle and Lukka away for a few weeks Douglas is utilizing more of the many morning, evening and weekend hours available to our students. The school is available to students from 6:30am until 9pm Monday through Sunday. Allowing students to pick and choose extra hours which work for them.

Paul from Evergreen Alabama with completed table top cabinet of Doussie, China Berry. Cocobolo and Spanish cedar which he intends on presenting to the class on Monday before it his sent out for Photography. We are very happy that Paul will be joining us as a Resident Craftsman for the summer.

Daisuke Tanaka from Nishio-shi, Aichi-ken Japan is nearing the completion of his stand of kwila for a box is curly ash which will feature two drawers. The workmanship of this piece is sweet, which is what we have come to expect of this fine young craftsman. His fiance arrives from Japan for a visit at the end of the week. We are very grateful that Daisuke will be joining us for a second year of study.

Adam Larson from Edmonton Alberta fits the angled and curved open mortise and tenon with a miter for the mockup of his rocking chair joinery. The actual components of the piece are made using a combination of steam bent and tapered laminations. Adam has been an absolute delight to have and we are so happy to have him and his family here for another year.

Daniel Cearley from San Jose California will also be presenting his piece to the class on Monday prior to being sent out for Photography. Dan has really raised the bar for hardware making at the school. His self stopping butt hinges are the result of hours of careful planning and preparation. His contagious smile and unmistakable laugh, combined with his enthusiasm for our craft makes him a pleasure to have at the school.

Michael Miller from Halfmoon Bay British Columbia. What can I say about this man that I haven't already said in the past. A sweet man and fine craftsman. When I think of the ideal student and friend, I think of Michael.

New at the School

Our dehumidification Kiln is up and running. Over the past few weeks we have been running tests on a variety of species in different stages of drying. So far we have had success with Claro Walnut, European Apple, Locust, Eucalyptus and Yellow Cedar. This combined with the Chainsaw Mill generously donated by an Alumni of the school has opened up many new possibilities for all of us at the school.

Searching for the right plank

Why do all these planks have RVN on them?

Family & Friends

Tadi & Franka


Around the School

Michael & Walker discuss mockup of Michael's second piece, a chair to be made of African Bubinga

Daisuke weaves lid stay from silk dyed in tea

Adam has made good use of our steamer

Robert cuts mask blank for Bradley Hunt and Sons

Adam bends test piece in ash for chair leg laminations

Michael glues up teak cabinet

Paul uses mechanical press for veneered back panel of doussie

Dan uses shaper for initial shaping for shop made butt hinges

Just for Fun

Ian & Adam

Matt with half a haircut by Dan

Michael with assembled cabinet in teak and olive

Erik dials in tapered lamination sled

Ian at Elephants


Our Annual Student Alumni & Faculty Show will once again take place at the James & Britta Krenov Gallery and Gallery Five located just across the courtyard on May 9th 2008 at 7pm. If you have any new work you would like to present for this event please contact Robert at the school.

We are in the process of setting up websites for each of our Craftsman Program alumni. Please forward any images or text you would like included on your web page including a biography to

Artisan & Craftsman for Programs 2008

There is limited space available in our Artisan Programs. If you would you would like more information or would like to register call Yvonne toll free at 1.877.943.9663. Alternatively registrations may be faxed to 1.604.885.9711.

We have confirmed our first-year students for the 2008-2009 Craftsman Program. The group consists of men and women from Japan, Ireland, Columbia, United States & Canada. We are currently accepting applications for the 2009-2010 Craftsman Program.

Guest Faculty Programs

As you may have noticed, with our Craftsman and Artisan Programs enjoying increasing popularity and after careful consideration we have cancelled our guest faculty programs for 2008. We have decided to reevaluate these programs for 2009. This summer, we will use these two weeks to make renovations and improvements to the school and gallery. We also hope to get away camping with our family and enjoy this incredible place in which we live.


Accreditation and website updates are still underway. Thank you for your patience. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our students past and present for their support, this school not only exists for you but because of you. I would also like to acknowledge the work of Ian Godfrey and Gary Kent our part time teachers for their assistance and of course Yvonne for keeping the school and our family on course.

Warmest Regards,

December 23, 2007

Website & e-mail have been down and are currently under Construction. Sorry for the Inconvenience. Website changes and program accreditation are still underway, as we are learning these things do take time. Thank you for your patience. Our third annual Student Show and Open House will take place at the school on January 26, 2008 from 1-5pm. For more information please contact the school.

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