November 26, 2007

It’s a girl! Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking is delighted to announce the birth of Franka Scout McKague Larson. Franka Scout, which means free woman, was born on October 25, 2007 at 10:35pm. Congratulations Adam & Jodie. Welcome to the world little one, you are very fortunate to have such loving parents.

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October 22, 2007

JK’s lecture this week dealt with hand cut dovetail joinery. As with many of Jim’s lectures our topics tend to lead into other aspects of our craft. This week Jim spoke about finding your place in the craft and about wood as the source of all our inspiration. Following our annual pilgrimage to Gilmer Wood Company at the end on November, Robert will be heading down to meet with Jim for a few days before students undertake their first pieces.

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September 21, 2007

Our small school just hours before the Craftsman Program begins. This year’s class includes eleven first year and three second year students, including one who completed his first year at the College of the Redwoods Fine Woodworking Program. Our students this year come from Japan, England, Venezuela, the United States and Canada. Robert has moved his secondary bench from his benchroom into the main benchroom.

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