August 21, 2006

This will be the final Benchroom this week for the Summer Programming for 2006. I would like to take this opportunity thank all of our alumni, students, guest faculty, resident faculty and staff as well as our board of directors for their ongoing support. A special thank you to Jim and Britta Krenov for facilitating our weekly talks. They continue to provide me a invaluable source of inspiration.

We finished off this years Summer Program with Jim Budlong who was one of Robert's teachers at the College of the Redwoods where he continues to teach two days a week. Jim and his wife Sue have a homestead near Comptche. Their home and shop are powered for the most part with solar energy. Jim just completed his new shop which Robert had a chance to see on his recent visit to California. Robert also had the opportunity to see Jim's most recent piece. A chest of Kwila, European Elm and Lebanese cedar. It was what we have come to expect form Jim's work...impeccably done. A fine craftsman and an inspiring teacher. A special thank you to Sue for keeping the home fires burning allowing Jim to visit our school. It meant a lot to me to have another of my teachers teacher here at our school.

Jim explains the transfer of half blind pins to tails. Jim has a comfortable and relaxed way of teaching. His lectures are always informative and equally entertaining.

The class watches on while Jim cuts the tails for the front of his drawer.

Stan from Santa Barbara scribes the inside face of the front his drawer front of euro cherry. Stan had taken a couple of classes with Jim at the College of the Redwoods Summers Programming and will be returning to Inside Passage next summer for Brian Newell who will be visiting from Japan and teaching compound curved veneer work. We enjoyed having Stan and look forward to next years visit.

Jim cuts the shoulder on the rear set of pins of his drawer. Always nice to watch another minimalist in action. Jim showed up with a few chisels, a couple of planes and hammers, a few layout tools and a file. This goes to show you do not need a cabinet full of tools to do good work.

Bill from Vancouver, checks the fit on the rear joinery of his drawer. Bill was very focused and work was meticulous. He very nice man and we look forward to is next visit.

Jim's drawer fit and "tricked out" awaiting the bottom of Port Orford Cedar.

Jim discusses joinery with Ian, one of our resident craftsman and teachers. This was a good opportunity for Ian to observe a fine craftsman and teacher in action. We are very pleased to have Ian join our teaching staff for the Craftsman Program this fall. He has a good hands, a good eye and a wonderful way with people. Ian and his partner Marnie are expecting a baby any day. This falls class includes a few families. Last year this added a great deal to the experience for all of us at the school.

Gary, joining us for our second program at the school. Last year it was veneers and curves. Following that program he returned to Salt Spring Island and made a vacuum press and put to use many of the skills taught in that program including making a set of curved fronts, one of which he brought along with him this visit. Gary completed a finely made drawer beautifully fit. Always the first at school in the morning and last to leave each evening. A pleasure to have at our school. Gary has invited Federico, one of our resident craftsman and his family for a visit to his home the week prior to the Craftsman Program. Gary has plans to return for Brian Newell's class next July. Brian is doing some of the most inspiring work being done today. This class is already filling. Don't miss the opportunity to study with one of the most ground breaking craftsman of today.

Brent, taking his fourth class at the school fits his drawer bottom of Port Orford Cedar to his completed drawer. Brent did a fine job on his drawer and had the opportunity to begin another dovetailed box of ash. Always a pleasure having Brent here. Many of our students are like family. We look forward to his next visit.

Jim arrives for dinner at the beach by kayak. Our son is apprenticing as a guide with Jamie and Sara Mani of Alpha Adventures here in Roberts Creek. They donated the use of kayaks for Jim and Ian. Rob, Jim and Ian paddled from Roberts Creek Beach to Varco beach. We were joined by Gary and Stacia Kent where we gathered with food and drink. Gary will act as our relief teacher this fall. After a lovely meal and conversation we watched another amazing sun set. The class gathered at the same spot on Friday for our last elephants of the summer. We have many alumni returning for first elephants which takes place September 8th.

Standing from Left: Jim, Robert, Federico, Brent, Ian & Stan.
Seated from Left Gary and Bill.

August 14, 2006

This week we had a visit from Brian Boggs, an internationally acclaimed chair maker from Kentucky. Each of the students went home with a completed chair with woven bark seat, and the skills to make many more. Brian gave a slide presentation on Wednesday evening which highlighted his work as well as a project has undertaken in third world countries. Brian even managed to a fishing trip at the end of his stay.

The end of the day, the floor is filled with shavings. The shaving horses were of Brian's design and made locally by Mark Safioles, a local woodworker and friend of the school.

Ian bends a back leg just out of the steam box. Ian is one of our Resident Craftsman and Teachers here at the school and although I was away for the week I have been told that if it had not been for his efforts, the class would not have been the success it was. We are very fortunate to have such a fine person, craftsman and teacher on staff.

Brian explains the process of shaping using a shaving horse and spoke shave, both of his own design. In addition to being a skilled craftsman and teacher, Brian has developed a number of hand and machine tools.

Ian chops a mortise in a rear leg. The emphasis of this class has been hand tools which fits well with our school's philosophy of developing a sensible balance between the use of hand and machine skills.

Brian shares the use of a simple jig used to align holes for side rungs. Keeping things simple, again fitting well with the the way things are taught at our school.

Brian and Geoff complete rear assembly. Small class sizes at our school ensure a great deal of one-on-one attention.

Fred shapes the end of a strip of hickory bark on his weaved seat. I had the opportunity to work with Fred a few years ago. He is a fine craftsman with a wonderful family.

Brian demonstrates process of weaving a hickory bark seat. In an effort to utilize the entire tree, the result is a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing seat.

Ian weaves his hickory bark seat. The bark is soaked in water, making it pliable and easy to work. The result speaks for itself.

Fred with his completed chair.

Justin with his completed chair.

Jesse poses with his fine chair made during the week. This is Jesse's second visit to the school. As always he is a pleasure to have around. I had the opportunity to teach Jesse a few years ago and it has been wonderful to watch his progress as a craftsman.

Geoff with his completed chair.

Mac with his completed chair. This chair is extremely strong yet light.

Ian with his completed chair.

Back row from left Mac, Dave. Middle row from left Fred, Geoff, Justin & Ian.
Front row from left Brian, Jesse & Ian.

July 17, 2006

Stan, a local woodworker from Gibsons paring a set of tails with a chisel he made earlier in the week. In this program students spend the first two days making tools and use these tools for the final three days cutting dovetails. The tool making continues on throughout the week after the students have been exposed to the possibilities of low tech tool making.

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July 10, 2006

Of all the courses taught at Inside Passage Plane Making and Surfaces is likely my favorite to teach. Watching a student make a fine plane and take their first passes achieving exceptional results is a wonderful feeling for any teacher.

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