Ian demonstrating to Mark the safe operation of cutting shoulders of tenons on the table saw. In this class students are shown the safe setup and use of the band saw, jointer, planer and table saw. Ian shared with the group the selection of materials including grain graphics followed by a millwork exercise which combines the safe use and operation of the basic woodworking machines with efficiency.
Read MoreJune 26, 2006
Our six-week Artisan Program students were introduced to the applications, making and installation of knife hinges. Ian also gave our Artisan students a half day session on sketching and design. Our resident craftsman offer students another perspective and broad knowledge base.
Read MoreJune 19, 2006
Owen pours molten lead into plaster casting mold. After being introduced to the use of ducks, or spline weights, for laying out curves. Jim and Owen took it upon themselves to cast a set for themselves. Tool making continues to be a enjoyable activity at the school and one which our students continue to embrace. The original set of ducks were given to the school as a gift from our friends Ejler Hjorth-Westh and Todd Sorenson, two of the College of the Redwoods faculty.
Read MoreJune 12, 2006
Jim setting up the shaper for rabbet. Jim has developed that sensible balance we strive for at the school. The balance between the use of hand and machine tools. Jim's family are coming from Germany to spend the last week of the six week Artisan Program with him.
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