October 31, 2005

My how time flies by! We have just completed our ninth week of the Craftsman Program and students are nearing the completion of their fundamental skills before moving onto our first project. Since our last newsletter, students have been busy completing a number of exercises.

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September 30, 2005

On September 6, 2005 we began our inaugural nine-month Craftsman Program at Inside Passage School of Fine Cabinetmaking. Following welcome address and introductions, we received a special phone call from James Krenov who addressed the faculty and students. Jim's inspiring words will serve as a foundation for the months ahead.

In the afternoon Gary Kent, one of our school's teachers, ran a safety orientation of the machine room on the first afternoon.  After that it was time for the students to settle in at their benches and met their classmates.  his year's class includes students from Canada, United States and Venezuela.

Shavings of wooden smoother We started the course with sharpening. Following a demonstration and discussion on water stones and hand grinders students began the process of getting their tools prepared. The students learned the process of tuning up their block planes to be used in plane making. Over the next week students made a smoothing plane and a jointer plane with an applied sole. Plane making is an important aspect of our work and several additional planes are already underway.

Doug checking feel of plane before further shapingStephen gluing up planeIan with OK on perfect board

Sunset at first ElephantsOur first Elephants were held at Varco Beach just down the road from the school. Students, teachers, family and friends gathered at a bon fire and celebrated the beginning of the program. With the first week behind us we were treated to an amazing sunset.

Students were treated to yoga taught by Marney Coulter, a friend of the school. This was popular with most of the students and has since become a weekly event.

Resident Bench Program:

Pete with full length shaving from alter topOur resident benchers have been very busy. Peter Heilman from Brooklyn New York is in the midst of working on a commission for a local church which includes an alter and baptismal font. He is also  mocking up some speculative pieces. Pete's girlfriend Maura, a writer, also from New York arrived in early September and has taken on wordsmith work for our school.

Cody Bradford from Invermire Alberta has a number of speculative and commissioned pieces underway including a wall hung tea cabinet.

Surrey Wood Show:

Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking will have a display set up at the Surrey Wood Show in October 21, 22 & 23, 2005. Come by and visit our faculty, resident benchers and students. Michael Mulrooney and Peter Heilman, will be at our booth on Friday, Gary Kent on Saturday and Gary and Robert on the Sunday.

Registrations have already been taken for the summer classes for 2006 and for next years Craftsman program. For more information call the toll free number below or come and visit us at the Surrey Wood Show later this month.

August 22, 2005

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our directors, teachers, staff and of  course our students for all their support in making our first summer program such a success. We have made improvements to our Artisan Series for the summer of 2006. This includes three new one week classes, two six week sessions and one ten week session

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