December 30, 2005

Federico sharing his wealth of knowledge on the woods of South America. Federico has been a wonderful resource for all of us at Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking.

Roberts Creek at low tide. This shot was taken by one of our students taking a mid afternoon break. The beach is located just a few minute walk from the school offering the students and faculty a source of inspiration as well as a wonderful place to unwind.

Michael's mockup in alder. With all the details worked out he is now making shavings. A commissioned cabinet to be made in agathis, cypress and yew.

Federico and Robert taking a break to enjoy a pleasant after hours activity. Students at Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking attend class Monday thru Saturday from 8am to 5pm. In addition they have access to the school for hand tools only from 5pm to 10pm.

The first piece to be presented at Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking. Peter's alter a commissioned piece will have a home just up the coast from our school. His no compromise approach of this piece has raised the bar for our students. Our resident program has enriched the learning experience at Inside Passage.

Alter in place at a church just down the road from the school in Davis Bay British Columbia. The Baptismal font has since been delivered. Watch for photographs of the alter and font presentation to take place at the church in the New Year.

Nicole, Cody & Michael now that's teamwork. Nicole and Michael assist Cody in the final glue up of tea cabinet which will be on display along side student work at Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking Gallery and School open house on January 28, 2006. He only has ten drawers to make and finish the door. Cody will have a busy January as will most of us.

Jason's mock up of tea cabinet in poplar. Students spend time to work out the details on these full size models before moving onto actual piece. This cabinet is currently underway in doussie and tiger myrtle. Exquisite wood, exceptional craftsmanship.

A school visit to local woodcarver Bradley Hunt.

Brady Hunt shares his inspiration in his humble shop. Bradley and his two sons Shawn and Dean are working on a large commission while their new shop is under construction in Davis Bay. Bradley's attention to detail, use of material and passion for his craft are truly inspiring.

When the last of the students had left for break I sat at my bench looking back at all the students have accomplished over the first semester. I was filled with a deep sense of satisfaction and pride of the accomplishments of this years class. The tradition of craft education began by James Krenov twenty five years ago is as strong today as it ever was. On the 4th of May 2006 our year end show will take place at the Northwest Furniture Gallery in Seattle Washington. Featuring current work of Inside Passage Faculty, Resident Bench Craftsman and of course the students final pieces. A preview of these pieces will take place at our gallery prior to the show. From all of us at Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking Seasons greetings and a wish for Health, Happiness and Peace in the coming year.