July 14, 2012

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We have just completed our Artisan and Journeyman programs for 2012. Yvonne and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our alumni for their patronage. This school not only exists for you, but because of you. This year, we have had the opportunity to work with students from across the world including Japan, Mexico, Belgium, Ireland, Australia, Israel, South Africa, the United States and Canada. Over the next seven weeks we will be busy preparing the school and ourselves for our eighth Craftsman and Resident Craftsman programs. This fall we have the largest contingent of second years students to date, with representation from Japan, Belgium, Singapore, United States and Canada. You will notice that our Plane Making and Surfaces and Mortise and Tenon images are the same. This is because we neglected to take a class photograph that week. The classes were identical with one exception. Our dear friend John Newton from Saltspring Island is not shown. Sorry for this oversight on our part.

Craig Johnson, our school's first graduate of the Journeyman program, completed the final assembly of his chair on Thursday, leaving enough time for he and Robert to discuss finishing, wrapping of the seat and his next chair, coming later this fall. This was Craig's third program at the school. It has been most gratifying, watching Craig develop as a craftsman. I very much look forward to visiting him, Nick Nelson and several of our alumni this fall where I will be presenting the 'Life and Work of the Impractical Cabinetmaker' for the Minnesota Woodworkers Guild on November 2-4.

Journeyman Program blog by Craig Johnson

It gives me great pleasure to announce that Yvonne has successfully completed this years Artisan program. As Yvonne is often the first contact our students have with the school, we thought it would be beneficial for her to have the students perspective. There is still limited space in our Craftsman program which begins September 3rd, 2012. If you would like more information please contact Yvonne.

Student Work from the Craftsman & Resident Craftsman Programs 2011-2012