April 11, 2008

On Monday morning, when I arrive at the school, I will tack a little sign on machine room door. It is handwritten on a thin piece of plywood about the size of a postcard. It reads, "Its getting to be that time, please rush slowly". It is the very same sign that Jim tacked to the machine room door when I was in school in the final month of the program.

The students and I are busy preparing our pieces for our third annual Student, Alumni & Faculty Show which takes place one month from today in our Gallery and Gallery Five located just across the courtyard. If you would like to attend and need accommodation try one of our local Bed & Breakfasts. Thinking of taking a program at Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking? Don't miss this opportunity to visit the school and meet our students, alumni and faculty. Graduation weekend concludes on the Saturday evening with our Graduation Dinner & Ceremonies at the Gumboot Cafe. Any alumni wishing to attend should contact Yvonne by e-mail or call the school at 1.877.943.9663.

That concludes this publication of Benchroom this Week. The sun is shining and I am heading out to the garden. Enjoy your weekend, we will be back again next Saturday with more pictures and run on sentences.

Warmest Well Wishes,


Our Annual Student Alumni & Faculty Show will once again take place at the James & Britta Krenov Gallery and Gallery Five located just across the courtyard on May 9th 2008 at 7pm. If you have any new work you would like to present for this event please contact Robert or Yvonne at the school.

We are in the process of setting up websites for each of our Craftsman Program alumni. Please forward any images or text you would like included on your web page including a biography to yvonne@insidepassage.ca

Artisan & Craftsman for Programs 2008


There is limited space available in our Artisan Programs. If you would you would like more information or would like to register call Yvonne toll free at 1.877.943.9663. Alternatively registrations may be faxed to 1.604.885.9711.

We have confirmed our first-year students for the 2008-2009 Craftsman Program. The group consists of men and women from Japan, Ireland, Columbia, United States & Canada. We are currently accepting applications for the 2009-2010 Craftsman Program.

New Program

Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking is pleased to announce the addition of a new program at the school. The Resident Artisan Program picks up where the Artisan Program leaves off allowing graduates of our Artisan Program the opportunity to return to the school and for the designing and making of a fine piece of furniture under the direction of Inside Passage School of Fine Woodworking Faculty and Resident Craftsman.

There is limited space in this program. Currently the first session is full and we are accepting registrations for the second session which runs from July 14th to August 22nd. If you would like more information about this program contact the school and arrange for an initial consultation with our Program Director.
