I felt a bit disjointed in my work, this week. Perhaps it was just a bit of a change in what has come to be my cherished summer routine. This has been a special time for me. I feel more connected to my work than I have for quite some time.
In the beginning of the week, Caroline and I ended up doing a last minute wood run to the lower mainland. It is always wonderful to see young craftsman so enthusiastic for our chosen material. Looking under everything, in corners, climbing all over the piles, looking for surprises or possibilities. We returned with a few precious sticks of wood, most of them harvested within a hundred and fifty kilometres of the school.
With the stock for my drawer pocket settling, I returned to the shaping of my doors. The teak has moved quite a bit since it was first cut, the curves had sagged a bit and I had to work hard to get every bit of the pinch I had intended. I laid out the inside curves and something didn’t look right. I adjusted my lines, stepped back and looked again. That was better. I went out to have another look after dinner and they are just fine. Funny how ones perspective changes when you get away from something for a while.
The teak is wonderful to work, however even with a couple of planes and spokeshaves on the go, it was giving my stones a workout. Be well and enjoy your work, I know I am.