Welcome to our new website. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Craig Johnson for his support and guidance through the process. Craig is a fine craftsman and an even finer person, we are very grateful for his ongoing involvement with the school. It has been a pleasure to watch him develop as a student, an gifted craftsman and we look forward to him taking on a teaching role at the school.
At the school, we are nearing the completion of our summer session of the Impractical Cabinetmaker Program. We have been very fortunate to have yet another group of beautiful people originating from five continents. In a few days we will hold our final Elephants at our home where our students will have the opportunity to see what I have been up to in my shop, including Jim's original hand tools and machines. They will also have the opportunity to experience one of his cabinets, while we listen to one of his farewell addresses he delivered to our students a few years back. While it there will be difficult goodbyes to say, I am very much looking forward to some time in my shop and the opportunity to work on my book. After having been set aside for several years, Heart Hand & Eye is scheduled for publication in the fall of 2015.
Yvonne and I have settled on the dates for our tenth annual Student Alumni & Faculty Exhibition, which will take place on May 2, 2015 at the Roberts Creek Community Hall. We would like to take this opportunity to invite our alumni, friends and family to join us for a retrospective of work past and present. A welcome Elephant will take place at the school Friday night, with a Alumni Brunch at the Gumboot Cafe on Sunday morning following the exhibition. Please stay tuned for more details.
Since completing her second year of study, Caroline Woon has stayed on for a residency, and has moved into a teaching assistant role at the school. Yvonne and I are very grateful to have this fine young craftsman and person join us at the school.
I would like to thank all our students, past and present. This school not only exists for you, but because of you. I would also like to thank Yvonne, my partner in life and work. None of this would be possible without all your years of loving support.
This journal will focus on my current shop work and reflections on teaching. The image above was taken in my shop this morning. You will notice that there are a few tools missing. That is because they were at my bench in use. My next entry will focus on what I have been up to in my shop.
Be well and enjoy your work,